Sunday, July 29, 2012

just answer

just my answer to some russian women from Tambov about how she is so happy that russia is nr. 2 in world in weapon sales and that russian govt is buying up drones to spy on people utm_campaign=Feed%3A+disinfo%2FoMPh+%28Disinformation%29 )

1. You are happy that you government is becoming like Orvellian Big Brother state!?!?!:O You people are crazy! There is NO need in any federal government at all!!!!

2. You are happy that you sell weapons?:O and again - you people are crazy! You are proud that you sell DEATH?! Violence is lowest form of energy! ANY violence! Ther is no good or justifiable violence! and you are happy that you are #2 in getting people in lower energetic fields?! THAT IS JUST WRONG!

I would hope that in 6000 years mankind could get higher in their spirituality and understanding of nature and cosmic energy's, but NO we still act like caveman! Country's act like little boys measuring which has bigger dick!
Imagine how crazy and detached from reality is worlds leaders that they easily send other peoples children to DIE, to DIE and KILL people who they doesn't even know and which has done nothing bad to them! our beloved leaders easily drinking morning coffee decide that they will bomb some village because there maybe 1 guy who doesn't agree with him!

if all that recourses that are used for war were used FOR DA PEOPLE, there would be no poverty, no violence! If we worked together, if we were thinking.. this planet would be a better place of higher energy and enlightenment, not darkness, selfishness, violence...
With all indigo and star child's borning at this time! I have hope that we could change world.. No, I KNOW we will change this planet and humanity for better! We set them free from their slave owners!

Наше оружие дает им шанс, оно вообще дает шанс миру! [Our weapons gives them chance, they give chance for the world!]
Orvell 1984 (have you read this?)
War is Peace! :O
Do you see how illogic this sounds?!
+if there were NO weapons and money in world all would be super tuper!

Drones would see - нарушения со стороны полиции тоже ( если они будут) [- wrong doings of police to (if they acure) ] :D :D
oh yes! будут будут [they will, they will] !:D

ok first- you break law?
there are just 10 rules normal people needs (you know bible better than me) so if people did that there are no need in laws! who makes laws? some birocrats! none of them come to me and asked if I'm OK with that or other law! (they even didn't call:D ) So that law is for birocrats and people who agreed to be part of that "treaty"! I dont think that it is fair that some guys just sits all day and thinks laws that I instantly have to fallow! Wasn't this meant to be democracy? Rule of the people, not rule of some birocrats! And by what rights they can punish me? I didnt give them those rights! like they can put you in jail if you dont pay tax! but what is tax? to whom you pay it? To yourself! you pay tax to get medicine, police, lights on street etc., but you do it because you need or want that, right? so how they can punish you for not paying to yourself ?:D
Whole this system is wrong and hijacked by secretive control freak elites!
I dont want to be part of this and I wont!
+ If you want your job..would you beat your boss with a stick?:D Then why WE allow police to beat us?

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