On March 5, 2013, Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela and world
leader against imperialism, died. Washington imperialists and their
media and think tank whores expressed gleeful sighs of relief as did the
brainwashed US population. An “enemy of America” was gone.
Chavez was not an enemy of America. He was an enemy of Washington’s
hegemony over other countries, an enemy of Washington’s alliance with
elite ruling cliques who steal from the people they grind down and deny
sustenance. He was an enemy of Washington’s injustice, of Washington’s
foreign policy based on lies and military aggression, bombs and
Washington is not America. Washington is Satan’s home town.
Chavez was a friend of truth and justice, and this made him unpopular
throughout the Western World where every political leader regards truth
and justice as dire threats.
Chavez was a world leader. Unlike US politicians, Chavez was
respected throughout the non-western world. He was awarded honorary
doctorates from China, Russia, Brazil, and other countries, but not from
Harvard, Yale, Cambridge, and Oxford.
Chavez was a miracle. He was a miracle, because he did not sell out
to the United States and the Venezuelan elites. Had he sold out, Chavez
would have become very rich from oil revenues, like the Saudi Royal
Family, and he would have been honored by the United States in the way
that Washington honors all its puppets: with visits to the White House.
He could have become a dictator for life as long as he served
Each of Washington’s puppets, from Asia to Europe and the Middle
East, anxiously awaits the invitation that demonstrates Washington’s
appreciation of his or her servitude to the global imperialist power
that still occupies Japan and Germany 68 years after World War II and
South Korea 60 years after the end of the Korean War and has placed
troops and military bases in a large number of other “sovereign”
It would have been politically easy for Chavez to sell out. All he
had to do was to continue populist rhetoric, promote his allies in the
army, throw more benefits to the underclass than its members had ever
previously experienced, and divide the rest of the oil revenues with the
corrupt Venezuelan elites.
But Chavez was a real person, like Rafael Correa, the three-term
elected president of Ecuador, who stood up to the United States and
granted political asylum to the persecuted Julian Assange, and Evo
Morales, the first indigenous president of Bolivia since the Spanish
conquest. The majority of Venezuelans understood that Chavez was a real
person. They elected him to four terms as president and would have
continued electing him as long as he lived. What Washington hates most
is a real person who cannot be bought.
The more the corrupt western politicians and media whores demonized
Chavez, the more Venezuelans loved him. They understood completely that
anyone damned by Washington was God’s gift to the world.
It is costly to stand up to Washington. All who are bold enough to do
so are demonized. They risk assassination and being overthrown in a
CIA-organized coup, as Chavez was in 2002. When CIA-instructed
Venezuelan elites sprung their coup and kidnapped Chavez, the coup was
overthrown by the Venezuelan people who took to the streets and by
elements of the military before Chavez could be murdered by the
CIA-controlled Venezuelan elites, who escaped with their own venal lives
only because, unlike them, Chavez was humanitarian. The Venezuelan
people rose in instantaneous and massive public defense of Chavez and
put the lie to the Bush White House claim that Chavez was a dictator.
Showing its sordid corruption, the New York Times took the side of
the undemocratic coup by a handful of elitists against the
democratically elected Chavez, and declared that Chavez’s removal by a
small group of rich elites and CIA operatives meant that “Venezuelan
democracy is no longer threatened by a would-be dictator.”
The lies and demonization continue with Chavez’s death. He will never
be forgiven for standing up for justice. Neither will Correa and
Morales, both of whom are no doubt on assassination lists.
CounterPunch, Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting, and other
commentators have collected examples of the venom-spewing obituaries
that the western presstitutes have written for Chavez, essentially
celebrations that death has silenced the bravest voice on earth. http://www.counterpunch.org/2013/03/08/obituaries-for-hugo-chavez/
Perhaps the most absurd of all was Associated Press business reporter
Pamela Sampson’s judgment that Chavez wasted Venezuela’s oil wealth on
“social programs including state-run food markets, cash benefits for
poor families, free health clinics and education programs,” a poor use
of money that could have been used to build sky scrappers such as “the
world’s tallest building in Dubai and branches of the Louvre and
Guggenheim museums in Abu Dhabi.”
Among the tens of millions of Washington’s victims in the world–the
people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia,
Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Mali, with Iran, Russia, China, and South
America waiting in the wings for sanctions, destabilization, conquest or
reconquest, Chavez’s September 20, 2006 speech at the UN General
Assembly during the George W. Bush regime will stand forever as the
greatest speech of the early 21st century.
“Yesterday, the devil himself stood right here, at this podium,
speaking as if he owned the world. You can still smell the sulfur.”
“We should call a psychiatrist to analyze yesterday’s statement made
by the president of the United States. As the spokesman of imperialism,
he came to share his nostrums, to try to preserve the current pattern of
domination, exploitation and pillage of the peoples of the world. An
Alfred Hitchcock movie could use it as a scenario. I would even propose a
title: ‘the Devil’s Recipe.’”
The UN General Assembly had never heard such words, not even in the
days when the militarily powerful Soviet Union was present. Faces broke
out in smiles of approval, but no one dared to clap. Too much US money
for the home country was at stake.
The US and UK delegations fled the scene, like vampires confronted
with garlic and the Cross or werewolves confronted with silver bullets.
Chavez spoke about the false democracy of elites that is imposed by
force and on others by “weapons and bombs.” Chavez asked, “What type of
democracy do you impose with Marines and bombs?”
Wherever George W. Bush looks, Chavez said, “he sees extremists. And
you, my brother–he looks at your color, and he says, oh, there’s an
extremist. Evo Morales, the worthy president of Bolivia, looks like an
extremist to him. The imperialists see extremists everywhere. It is not
that we are extremists. It is that the world is waking up. It is waking
up all over and people are standing up.”
In two short sentences totaling 20 words, Chavez defined for all
times early 21st century Washington: “The imperium is afraid of truth,
is afraid of independent voices. It calls us extremists, but they are
the extremists.”
Throughout South America and the non-western world, Chavez’s death is
being blamed on Washington. South Americans are aware of the US
congressional hearings in the 1970s when the Church Committee brought to
light the various CIA schemes to poison Fidel Castro.
The official document presented to President John F. Kennedy by the
US Joint Chiefs of Staff, known as the Northwoods Project, is known to
the world and is available online. The Northwoods project consisted of a
false flag attack on American citizens in order to blame Cuba and
create public and world acceptance for US-imposed regime change in Cuba.
President Kennedy rejected the proposal as inconsistent with morality
and accountable government. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods
The belief has already hardened in South America that Washington with
its hideous technologies of death infected Chavez with cancer in order
to remove him as an obstacle to Washington’s hegemony over South
This belief will never die: Chavez, the greatest South American since
Simon Bolivar, was murdered by Washington. True or false, the belief is
set in stone. As Washington and globalism destroy more countries, the
lives of elites become more precarious.
About Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Paul Craig
Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and
associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for
Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He
has had many university appointments. His internet columns have
attracted a worldwide following.
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